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Saudi Women no longer need male guardian consents to receive services.

BreakingNews @en di

King Salman has accepted a new order, where it is established women are free from having to obtain a consent from their male guardians in order to receive services. It doesn’t mean it will be exchange sharia. This order includes the possibility of the mobility to work places. It is no longer required to women being accompanied by their mahram (men, who aren’t good to be married and who are considered as brother or father) to make a police complaint or to travel abroad or even to go to the institutions to make themselves identification. The order includes the lifting of male guardians within three months and updating this new changes on the official websites of government institutions. In addition to this, it also provided Minister of Labor and Social Department is required to provide means of transportation to women workers, in accordance and compliance with resources. This order was approved and it was a passed proposal by Saudi Council of Ministers to find solutions pertaining to women’s rights.

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