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Today, marks the 43 anniversary of Saddam Hussain attack on Qalladize.

BreakingNews @en di

April 24, 2017, Marks the 43 anniversary of Qalladize attack, Kurds had gathered in Qalladize city in a remembrance ceremony for the victims of 1974 attack. The ceremony was attended by Governmental official, Kurdish Parties members, families of Anfal victims and a large number of Kurds. The Government of Kurdistan Region with the help of its Vice President Mr. Qubad Talabani had offered the best services for the city and for the victims’ families. At 9.15am on Wednesday 24 April 1974, Qalladze fell victim to Saddam Hussein first airstrike against the Kurds. Rockets and internationally forbidden cannon fires set alight the town of Qalladize, the Ba’athist government had demolished the town of Qalladze killing at least 163 innocent people as well for injuring more than 250 others including students and University teachers. Qalladze means “Castle of Two Rivers” from the Kurdish words Qala= castle, dw= two and ze= river. In the south west of the City there is a small hill between two rivers.







Today marks the 29th anniversary of the massacre of over 5,000 innocent civilians in Halabja

BreakingNews @en di

Today marks the 29th anniversary of the massacre of over 5,000 innocent civilians in Halabja, with another 10,000 people injured during the chemical weapons attack. This terrible crime was part of Saddam Hussein’s Anfal Campaign, in which tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and Iraqi Kurds were murdered. On this solemn day, we honor the memories of the husbands, wives, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters who perished in Halabja and throughout the Anfal, as we continue our joint efforts to defeat Daesh and to prevent future atrocities. In addition Turkey’s pro-Kurdish Democratic Peoples Party (HDP) renews call on the country’s parliament to recognize the 1988 gasattack on Iraqi Kurdish city of Halabja as an act of genocide.

Over 2000 U.S. soldiers arrive in Iraq ahead of anti-ISIS offensive

BreakingNews @en di

Troops are set to back the Iraqi forces in an upcoming offensive to dislodge ISIS in Anbar’s western town of Qaem and areas around the military base. U.S.-backed Iraqi forces currently control over one third of western Mosul and are pushing deeper into the city, encountering fierce counter-attacks from the ultra-hardline group that has slowed progress. The assault on Mosul, the jihadists’ last major stronghold in Iraq, was launched by a 100,000-strong alliance of local forces on Oct. 17 that has become the biggest military operation in Iraq since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. The offensive to recapture west Mosul started three weeks ago.

Over 2000 U.S. soldiers arrive in Iraq ahead of anti-ISIS offensive

BreakingNews @en di

Troops are set to back the Iraqi forces in an upcoming offensive to dislodge ISIS in Anbar’s western town of Qaem and areas around the military base. U.S.-backed Iraqi forces currently control over one third of western Mosul and are pushing deeper into the city, encountering fierce counter-attacks from the ultra-hardline group that has slowed progress. The assault on Mosul, the jihadists’ last major stronghold in Iraq, was launched by a 100,000-strong alliance of local forces on Oct. 17 that has become the biggest military operation in Iraq since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. The offensive to recapture west Mosul started three weeks ago.

Saudi Foreign Minister in landmark visit to Iraq

BreakingNews @en di

On Saturday Saudi Foreign Minister al-Jubeir was in Bagdad for talks with his Iraqi counterpart Al-Jaafari. This was the first visit of this kind in years, as a government official said it was the first visit of a Saudi Foreign Minister since 2003 and for that reason its importance is so deep and marks a key step in efforts to mend frosty bilateral relations. This visit is a product of the Iraqi Foreign Minister’s efforts to improved stained ties with other countries such as Saudi Arabia, which restablished diplomatic relations with Iraq in 2016 when Al-Sabhan became the first saudi ambassador to Iraq in a quarter century after relations were cut-off after Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.

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