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An approved refusal agreement to sell Petromonagas to Russian state-owned company

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The National Assembly rejected the agreement that provided for the sale of state company of Petromonagas hydrocarbons to Russian national company Rosneft. According to deputies, the government would have violated several constitutional dictates going to deal with Rosnfet without the consent of Parliament. Also more according to some Parliamentarians, the President of Petromonagas, Eulogio Del Pino, would not provide to the competent Parliamentary Commission the documents about the relationships between and Petromonagas Rosnefet, which according to deputies already owns 40% of Venezuelan society. To make matters worse the debts of the Petromonogas are sides to $ 70 billion and that over the past 9 years would lower production by 35%, causing loss to the state approximately of $ 12 billion of gains.

Donald Trump expressed again its doubts about the alleged Russian interference in the presidental election

BreakingNews @en di

The President-elect Trump expressed, once again, on twitter all his doubts about the alleged Russian interference in the presidential election of November. Trump had repeatedly expressed his doubts about the possibility of cyber attacks suffered by the Democratic National Committee and by the head of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, John Podesta, had been put in place by Russian agents to facilitate his victory, but this time the New Yorker tycoon also has on his side the WikiLeaks statements, which exclude that the hacked documents have been published by Russians. From Washington to support the attacks launched on twitter Trump has deployed his Vice Mike Pence that said that Trump’s words have been well understood by the Americans. There is also to be noted that the meeting with Intelligence’s heads that Trump should have had today has been moved to Friday.

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