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Italian Defense in the global context

Europe/Policy di

The Italian Defense increases efforts to maintain stability in crisis areas, by coming to terms with the new cuts imposed on the industry and maximizing international cooperation’s benefits.

This is the new orientation of the national military policy, inserted into a global relationship system, that on the one hand guarantees the support of operational and technological synergies, on the other hand requires efficient answers to the new challenges posed by the global geopolitical context.

While America formally asks us to confirm the commitment to contain the problem of Ukraine and to calm the relation with Russia, Europe entrusts us a leading role in resolving the crisis that closely threatens Mediterranean. This means that we must establish an “impartial” dialogue with Middle East countries, reinforce the basic relations with Egypt, resolve the Libyan issue, monitor the migration routes and take responsibility for the stability of the whole area. In this perspective, Italy must be a leader in ensuring the effectiveness of collective instruments such as the European Union and the Atlantic Alliance for the strengthening of the EU Common Security and Defence, promoting the sharing of resources between countries’ members, also in terms of fiscal incentives for military sector. According to the White Defense Paper’s directives, presented by the Minister Pinotti, Italy aims to prefer the multilateral partnerships to the bilateral ones, contrary to the past, in order to enhance the transatlantic bond thanks to the agreement between the European dimension of Defense and NATO.

After defining the euro-Atlantic and Mediterranean regions as priority areas of intervention, the presence of our soldiers in marginal operations has been considerably reduced. Of the more than thirty missions spread across all continents, therefore, remain in operational twenty-four, in the ONU, NATO and EU settings. Among these, strategic missions are MIBIL UNIFIL in Lebanon, intended to support the population and the country’s structure after the Syrian conflict; the Resolute Support in Afghanistan, consecutive to ISAF and focused on training Afghan militias; KFOR in Kosovo, which provides support to humanitarian organizations assisting refugees; the two European Union Training Missions in Mali, against local terrorist groups, and in Somalia, where Italy participates in the European strategy for the Horn of Africa security; the “Prima Parthica” operation in Iraq, in contrast to the ISIS, and finally the MIL operation in Libya, started after the civil war resulted in the fall of Gheddafi.
Viviana Passalacqua

Viviana Passalacqua
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