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Three killed in attacks in refugees camp in Nigeria.

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Three kamikazes got in a camp for displaced people in Maiduguri (northestern part of Nigeria) carriyng with them explosives weapons killed three people and made twenty injuried. The victims were fastly took to Maiduguri Hospital, near the displaced camp. Five coordinated attacks took place, the first one in an informal building hosting around 200 people: three kamikazes got and activated their explosive belt. The following attack has been in a displaced camp nearby called Muna, where the terrorists provoked a fire, said the coordinator of the camp. The Muna camp  ( which has been denounced for its  degradating humanitarian conditions, such as the lack of water) has already been attacked in February.

Clashes in Shufat refugee camp violently suppressed by Israeli forces

BreakingNews @en di

Israeli forces violently suppressed clashes overnight on Wednesday in Shufat refugee camp in occupied East Jerusalem, leaving several injured by rubber-coated steel bullets, while four Palestinian youths were assaulted and detained, local sources said. Fatah party spokesperson in Shufat refugee camp Thaer Fasfous told Ma’an that Israeli forces heavily deployed in the camp and took pictures of several buildings, causing clashes to erupt. Israeli forces fired tear gas canisters, sound bombs, and rubber-coated steel bullets at Palestinian youth during the clashes, which Fasfous said lasted for hours on end. Fasfous said that seven Palestinian youth were shot and injured by rubber-coated steel bullets while many others suffered severe tear gas inhalation.

Construction of 'security wall' around Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp stopped by Lebanon

BreakingNews @en di

The Palestinian Unified National Leadership of the Uprising said in a statement on Friday that the Lebanese military responded to its demands to halt construction on the so-called “security wall” being built around a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. The statement said that efforts were conducted by the leadership over the past few days in order to stop the construction of the wall around the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp. In a meeting on Thursday between the leadership and the Lebanese intelligence director of the southern districts, Khader Hamouda, it was agreed that the Lebanese military would halt construction of the wall, according to the statement.

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