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Yemen won’t suspend counter-terrorism operations with the US governments

After the US commando raid in Al-Bayda against al-Qaeda, which killed many civilians, Yemen won’t suspend counter-terrorism operations with the US governments. Sana’a had not withdrawn its permission for the US to carry out special terrorism operations but the country and President Hadi expressed their reservations about the last operation. Any operations carry out in Yemen should be in consultation with Yemen authorities and should prevent civilian casualties.

Ramallah: IOF attacked the headquarters of the PNI

BreakingNews @en di

On Wednesday morning, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) broke into and attacked the headquarters of the Palestine National Initiative (PNI) movement in central Ramallah and arrested two youths. Eyewitnesses said that Israeli soldiers broke into the city with military jeeps, then stormed the headquarters, raided them, arrested two youths and confiscated computers. During the attack, clashes broke out between the youths and IOF, who threw intense teargas and rubber-coated metal bullets, injuring two Palestinians.

Five people linked to IS arrested in Germany

BreakingNews @en/Defence di

Five people linked to the so-called Islamic State (IS) group have been arrested in co-ordinated raids in Germany, including a senior Islamist figure, reports say. Flats were raided in northern and western Germany and a mosque was searched near Hanover. Among those arrested was an Iraqi who goes by the alias Abu Walaa, or “the preacher without a face”. Germany’s NDR TV has identified him as Ahmad Abdelazziz A. The raids came as a result of information from a 22-year-old jihadist who spent several months with IS in Syria before fleeing to Turkey, it said. Before returning to Germany in late September, the man, named Anil O, gave an interview in which he referred to Abu Walaa as “IS’s number one in Germany”.

Boko Haram: 29 Christians killed

Middle East - Africa di

Islamists raid two villages in North-Eastern Nigeria. In recent weeks, several attack also on Cameroon and Chad. Finally, Obama rejected military support to Nigerian President Buhari.

29 Christians have been killed in two villages of the Borno State on Tuesday 28th July. The attack, carried out by Boko Haram, has left few survivors. The news comes a few hours after the Nigerian army rescue of 30 people abducted in Dikwa by the Islamist cell.

Raid are more and more habitual. Often characters are children and teenagers. As thef 9 year old blown up at a nightclub in Maroua (Cameroon). Or the girl exploded in the market in Damaturo (Nigeria). Actions that led fifty dead and several wounded

The war against Boko Haram concerns more territories.The Cameroon government, in fact, ordered the temporary closure of mosques and Islamic schools in the villages on the border with Nigeria. In Chad, where terrorists attacked on N’Djamena, army killed about 20 militants last week. While most of the inhabitants of Lake Chad islands, targeted in recent weeks, have evacuated their homes.

These actions demonstrate even more a strategy already evident. First, Boko Haram wants to disclose its radicalization in Nigeria. In addition, in response to the alliance of Lagos with Cameroon and Chad, the organization has definitively crossed the borders of Borno State.

Meanwhile, International Community remains at the window. The Us Presidente Obama’s support in the words to his Nigerian counterpart Buhari, supplied in the meeting in Washington on July 21, appears weak. In practice, the request for military support, is rejected by the chief of the White House because a rule does not allow to help a state which does not respect the human rights. Conversely, Buhari answered talking about “support for the work of Boko Haram” by the US. The risk is that, like in Syria and Libya, even Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon fell in a permanently geopolitcal chaos.
Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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