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: Qassim Governator: a new step taken in fight against terrorism through Etidal

BreakingNews @en di

after the establishment of center countering terrorism in Riyadh and after important and noteworthy speeches of King Salman, Prince Faisal would have said Saudi Arabia is major contributor to fight against terrorism. Kingdom has adopted also news laws and legislations in order to improve its own means to fight more efficiently terrorism and extremism. According to Prince Faisal the innovation introduced by Etidal is having established a United stand to fight terrorism. In addition to this, the Prince has recognized the necessity of modernizing institutions, to make them more efficient to reply to some emergencies and to recruit as well as possible the best security personnel, who will be able to face critical and difficult situations. It is certainly necessary introducing some economic and social plans, which can help at modernizing this view of society and eradicate from origin problem related to Terrorism and Extremism, instilling new human values, which can face misunderstanding.

Partnership with US Resilient, Trump will go to visit to Saudi Arabia

BreakingNews @en di

Next week, Trump will go to visit to Saudi Arabia, and in occasion of this the Gulf States have held a conference in Washington, keynoted by Prince Faisal. Actually Prince Faisal is appointed as high-ranking adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and he has openly said the future goals of Arabian political programs. For example he has talked about the economic diversification, in compliance with objectives of Vision 2030. In addition to this, he has talked about the empowerment of women from 22 to 33% in workplaces. Also, he has also illustrated the relevance of boosting tourism field, opening new paths to Saudi Arabia and enforcing relations with China, Japan and Asia. He has not called Vision 2030 “a program for economic reform”, framing it instead as “a true effort at national transformation to create a more vibrant society, thriving economy and an ambitious nation”.

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