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New UN proposals on Yemen include Al-Hudaydah

BreakingNews @en di

It has been established the meeting with UN envoy Ahmed and the other Gulf countries ambassadors, who have spoken about the way of solving crisis in Yemen. Talks were about the recent efforts made thank to constant consultations between States, but also about reaching a political solution in accordance with the iniziative of GCC, The National Dialogue and Security Council. President Hadi had a meeting with the UN Envoy Ahmed as well. Ahmed has also said his aim is realizing a new security plan, which involves other areas, including Houdaydah port, which will become a new humanitarian area.

Wins for Yemeni government as port reclaimed, Parliament set to move to Aden

BreakingNews @en di

Deputy speaker of the Yemeni Parliament, Mohammed Al-Shaddadi, said that the Yemeni Parliament will soon begin to work from Aden, as President Hadi decided, to accelerate the restoration of state institutions. The Yemeni Government will also start the reconstruction of infrastructure destroyed by Houthi rebels and Saleh militias in liberated areas. Moreover the deputy minister of transport, Nasser Sharif Al-Khamis, announced plans to secure and revive the strategic port of Al-Mokha and other ports controlled by the legitimate government. MPs, organizations and Arab and Islamic parliaments are supporting the legitimate government.





UN envoy Ould Cheikh to propose new Yemen peace plan

BreakingNews @en di

During his current tour in the region Ould Cheikh will present to all negotiating parties his new peace plan, which will involve four main points: the remain in power of President Hadi during a transitional period; abolishing the figure of vice president which is currently held by General Al-Ahmar; the formation of a national unity government; Houtji militias to hand weapons to army battalions and relocate in Sana’a. During his visit Cheikh will meet President Hadi, who previoulsy rejected a proposed plan by Cheikh due to ita violation of the Security Council’s resolution, and a number of Saudi officials in Riyadh. Moreover this new peace plan is considered a road plan for executing the United Nation’s resolution 2216.


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