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Libyan southern clans reach peace agreement in Italy.

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Italy try to impose itself as peace-maker in Libya. Several representatives of the tribes living in the south of Libya signed a peace agreement after over three days of secret negotiations in the Italian Interior Ministry. The meeting was attended  over 60 clan leader including the head of the largest Tuareg tribe in the Libyan region of Fezzan as well as Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Omar Maiteeq of Libya’s UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA). The agreement previous the end of hostilities in the area, but also the control of migrations.


The former Chief Negotiator of the Colombian government starts a peace agreement with the FARC

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Former Chief Negotiator of the Colombian government for a peace agreement with the FARC, Humberto de la Calle, is back to talk about the challenges that the implementation of the Havana agreement poses to the government, according to de la Calle the challenges are essentially fiscal, bureaucratic and legal.Regarding to the sphere of bureaucreacy  the former Plenipotentiary remembers how the implementation of such agreement is new both for state agencies and  both for the FARC’s rebels,so some delays and complications are tolerable, with regard to the fiscal plan, according to de la Calle, the problem will totaly solve only with an integral agrarian reform for which they should take more or less 12 years according to its estimates, and finally for judicial de la Calle critics the delays of the Senate in approving the project for the Special Court for peace but also remembers how the government should be careful in use the special legislative procedure known as “fast track”, the government have to use this only for those mesaures that are closely related with the peace agreement. Finally de la Calle makes an appeal of all political forces that would like to change the terms of the L’Havana agreement recalling how inconvenient it would be to disarm a militia and then change the cards on the table with all the risks connected.


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