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EU project for nuclear safety for Iran.

BreakingNews @en di

The European Commission has signed the first ever project for nuclear safety co-operation with Iran, under the framework of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The € 2.5 million project aims to enhance the capabilities of the Iranian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (INRA). It will do so by preparing a feasibility study for the Nuclear Safety Centre foreseen in the JCPOA. It will support the INRA in developing a nuclear regulatory framework, working toward the accession by Iran to several international nuclear conventions, including the Convention on Nuclear Safety, and reviewing the results of the stress test to take place in the Bushehr nuclear power plant. The project is the first of a € 5 million action approved by the European Union in 2016 under the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation. A second project for the stress test at the Bushehr nuclear power plant is going to be signed in the coming weeks.


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