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UNESCO forum in Riyadh focuses on youth participation.

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UNESCO forum for NGOs (2017) is held in Riyadh and for the first time in Saudi Arabia, stressing the importance of major and deepest involvement of youth, which could affect positively not only under economic side, but also social one worldwide. The Event was in partnership with Misk Foundation. The two days conference was about developing new innovative and technological ideas, which allow youth participation. It is really important creating new channels, through which it could be possible to civil society and NGOs expressing what they think and promote and especially develop a new dialogue among youth. Al-Ghafis, Labor saudi Minister, has declared to assure this partnership in all matters useful to building community. In addition to this, most of new opportunities are developed by the involvement of MiSK Foundation. This project is in compliance with Vision 2030, but also with National Transition’s Program 2020. One of the most importante challenges is involving young people in working fields, giving them the possibility of participating to decision-making process.

New legislation threatens judicial independence in Egypt

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A new legislation in Egypt could threat judicial independence, according to the NGO Amnesty International. A new law passed by parliament last night, granting the President the power to appoint the most senior members within the justice system, could further undermine the independence of the judiciary in Egypt, Amnesty International said today. If ratified by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the law would grant him powers to select the heads of judicial bodies, including the heads of the Court of Cassation, the State Council, the Administrative Prosecution Authority and the State Lawsuits Authority. Thus Al-Sissi will increase his control over judicial power, which could be a threat for Egyptian democracy. Juridical power asks Al-Sissi to not ratify the text, pass on 26 April at Egyptian Parliament. A manifestation will be organize on 5th May.

Italian Prosecutor accuses charities of colluding with traffickers in Libya.

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With the new wave of migration from Libya toward Europe, a lot of voices are going up against EU behaviour in front of the process, especially in front of EU economical aid toward Libya. In an interview with Italian daily La Stampa, Sicily-based prosecutor Carmelo Zuccaro made his most specific claims yet over NGO activities of Libya, which the EU border agency Frontex recently described as tantamount to providing a “taxi” service to Europe. NGO’s volunteer crews save life in front of inaction from EU States.“We have evidence that there are direct contacts between certain NGOs and people traffickers in Libya”, Zuccaro told. The high number of migrants this year, are creating an emergency situation that nobody seems in capacity to deal with.

Recent terrorist attacks in Egypt create a threat for Human Rights in the country

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Recent terrorist attacks in Egypt, and the state of emergency’s answer is creating a threat for Human Rights in the country. Indeed, emergency measures included in a declaration of a state of emergency by President Abdelfattah al-Sissi in the aftermath of three deplorable church bombings in Egypt will do little to resolve the root causes of sectarian attacks against Copts in Egypt and are likely to lead to a further deterioration in human rights, Amnesty International said today. The NGO told that Egyptian Human Rights was
reduced before the state of emergency, so the application of these new measures, could reduce, again, human rights in the country. They recalled also the state of emergency pronunced by former president Mubarak, which facilitated systematic violations and gave Egypt’s security forces the power to detain thousands of people for years in administrative detention without respecting procedural guarantees intended to ensure fair administration of justice. It’s also linked to the law n°98, voted in 2015 which regulates the state of emergency,
but give a lot of power to Egyptian president to reduce freedoms in the country.

The actual law on NGO's it still in Parliament according to Al-Kasby

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Conflict around NGO’s law. Indeed, the president Al-Sissi is accused by some media to have return the law for amendement (the law voted last November on NGO’s). But according to the head of the parliament’s Social Solidarity Committee, Abdel Hady Al-Kasby, denied that the approved NGOs bill has been sent to the president, adding that the draft law is still present in the parliament. So the actual conteteste law on NGO’s it still in Parliament according to Al-Kasby. Its law controverted  by NGOs and social society will be again at the centre of debate.

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