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National Security Service

Armed clashes in Nablus: woman killed and 5 Palestinian police officers wounded

BreakingNews @en di

According to Palestinian Center for Human Rights’s investigations, at approximately 06:00 on Wednesday, 16 November 2016, an armed group attacked Palestinian security officers from the National Security Service, Police and Special Units, which is always present in Daraj al-Aqaba area in Nablus’ Old City, north of the West Bank. Violent clashes erupted between the two parties, due to which 5 Palestinian police officers were wounded. At approximately 06:30, the clashes intensified and, as a result, a bullet penetrated a window of a house belonging to Hilda Bassam al-Osta (38). The bullet hit Hilda in the chest, due to which she died even before she was taken to hospital.

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