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Two UN experts abducted. Grand Kasaï: Belgium is pressing

BreakingNews @en di

The kidnapping of two members of United Nation accompanied by 4 Congolese poses a big problem that urges everybody to react. The Belgium- by its Vice first Secretary of the Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders- is making pressures in this way. In a statement, she asked the Congolese authorities to find as quickly as possible these missing person. This kidnapping rapresents, for Secretary Didier, an infringement of the efforts the international community is undertaking. For this reason, one Rapresentative of the United Nations made a tour to Kanaga last week, in order to have a better idea of the security situation of this part of RDC. He reaffirmed as well the determination of MONUSCO to regain peace and stability. The Belgium could’t avoid to evoke the Kamuina Nsapu phenomenon, which causes problems in Kasai since August 2016. It called back too that MONUSCO is undertaking a mission consisting in the insitution of the peace since December 2016. The most besieged cities are: Kananga, Tshimbulu, Luiza and Kabeya.

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