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Donbass conflict: Kiev tries to avoid discussion over political solutions

BreakingNews @en di

On Wednesday, Boris Gryzlov, Russia’s Plenipotentiary Representative at the Minsk talks, affirmed that official Kiev is making attempts to avoid discussions on the detailed political agenda aimed at finding solutions to the Donbass conflict. Nonetheless, Russia’s envoy at the Minsk peace talks said that it is impossible to find solutions to economic and humanitarian issues, without resolving key moments linked to the security issues and the political reform recorded in the Minsk accords.  According to Gryzlov, the most important problems are the non-implementation of Minsk’s agreements and the lack of an agreement on the amnesty for separatist fighters of Donbass and on the exchange of prisoners. Gryzlov added that  the clue needed to solve the tasks lies in implementation of a political package and in strict compliance with the security agreements.

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