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Hasbani from Washington: US administration's attitude towards Lebanon "positive"

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Vice Prime Minister, Public Health Minister, Ghassan Hasbani, wrapped up his meetings at the World Bank in Washington, where he succeeded in approving a sum of 150 million dollars in support of the infrastructure of the health sector in Lebanon. During his visit, Hasbani briefed to the decision makers Lebanon’s suffering, due to the Syrian influx, socially, medically, financially, and economically, and the heavy toll all those took on the country’s infrastructure. Minister Hasabani revealed that the meetings that he held with some of the U.S. officials were positive, noting that the new U.S. administration was aware of the challenges that Lebanon was facing.

Ministry of Public Health Ghassan Hasbani begins meetings in Washington.

BreakingNews @en di

Minister of Public Health, Ghassan Hasbani, started his meeting on Thursday at the World Bank headquarters in Washington. He met with World Bank’s Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Hafez Ghanem. Minister Hasbani then met with a delegation of the committees concerned by the discussion of the projects, in presence of the World Bank’s task force, as well as relevant directors and representatives of donor countries. Hasbani shed lights on the project developed by the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health in cooperation with the World Bank to support the health sector in Lebanon.


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