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Misratan MPs slam Siala’s Hafter remark

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Government of National Accord (GNA) foreign minister Mohamed Siala’s reference to Khalifa Hafter as commander of the Libyan army continues to draw flack from the general’s opponents. Misratan members of the HoR (House of Representatives) told that Siala’s behaviour could pave the way to a new civil war and impeach LPA (Libyan Political Agreement) to be implemented. They also recalled that general Haftar doesn’t still recognize officially LPA. Though UNSMIL chief Martin Kobler has been saying that Hafter has an important role to play in a future unified armed forces, many Misratans object to Hafter because of his past as a Qaddafi general

Details emerge of reported Serraj-Haftar agreement.

BreakingNews @en di

Although there has been no official agreement between general Haftar, and Al-Serraij, some informations, on the meeting, have been revealed. Mains informations would be the reduction of the Presidency Council to three rather than nine members, the fight against terrorism and the classifying of a number of organisations as terrorists, the removal of controversial supplementary Clause 8 of the Libyan Political Agreement, and fresh parliamentary and presidential elections within six months of an agreement being reached. Other points have been evoked as the dissolution of militias in the country, the refusal of foreign intervention, a rejection of migrants settlement in the country. An other meeting will be held in Cairo next week to continue discussions and, maybe, write an official agreement resulting of their discussions.

European Council has prolonged sanctions against Libya targeting.

BreakingNews @en di

European Council (EC) has prolonged sanctions against Libya targeting three persons for six months, to know: Agila Saleh, president of the Libyan Council of Deputies in the House of Representatives; Khalifa Ghweil, prime minister and defence minister of the internationally unrecognised General National Congress; and Nuri Abu Sahmain, president of the internationally unrecognised General National Congress. These person obscure, according to EC, the implementation of the LPA (Libyan Political Agreement) signed on 17th December 2015, which has implemented the GNA (Government of National Accord).




Abu Sleem ceasefire welcomed by Kobler

BreakingNews @en di

UNSMIL has welcomed the ceasefire in Abu Sleem agreed late last night and renewed its call for the Libyan Political Agreement (LPA) to be implemented. In a statement today it also deplored the outbreak of violence that has so far claimed 16 lives and battered the local community in Abu Sleem. Those responsible for the fighting had to be held accountable, it said. Extending his “sincere sympathies” to all affected by the violence, he said that the violence again demonstrated the need for a political solution “including a united Libyan army operating under civilian control, to provide security for all Libyans. I call for the speedy activation of police and security forces to protect Libyans from crime and lawlessness”. Kobler reiterated his support for the Presidency Council (PC) as the only legitimate executive authority in Libya.

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