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Egypt supports political settlements in Libya

BreakingNews @en di

As a part of the efforts exerted by Egypt to support a political settlement in Libya, the Libyan National Committee held a meeting on Monday in Cairo to discuss the latest developments regarding conditions in Libya and efforts to resume dialogue between the Libyan factions, the Egyptian army’s spokesperson said in a statement.According to the statement, the committee asserted that a consensual solution to the current Libyan current crisis is the only viable solution that will preserve the Libyan people’s unity. Moreover, it expressed its appreciation of the willingness of all Libyan factions regarding efforts to end the current political turmoil. Since the beginning of 2017, the Egyptian armed forces, represented by its Chief of Staff, Mahmoud Hegazy, playing a mediator role in paving the way for a comprehensive reconciliation that includes all Libyan political entities and puts an end to the ongoing unrest and civil war there.

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