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Msahel Hails Libyans Commitment to Peace away from foreign intervention.

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Algeria continue to increase its relation with Libya, rejecting a Foreign intervention in the country to control the situation. Indeed, Algerian Minister in Charge of Maghreb, African Union and Arab League Affairs Abdul Gader Msahel has hailed what he called a commitment by the people of Libya to restoring peace in their country away from foreign intervention. After a meeting with Martin Kobler, UNSMIL (United Nations Support Mission in Libya)’s responsible, he expressed again that a peace process can only comes from Libyan themselves. Msahel also notified that, behind the image of civil war, a lot of part of Libya are living a “normal life”, according to him.

Migrant detention centres get human rights training from IOM.

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IOM (International Organisation for Migration) more involved in migrants life condition in Libya, after allegations of violences and bad living standards in migration detention centres. For the first time in three years, IOM has held training sessions inside some of Libya’s migrant detention centres on the of migrants’ human rights. In its initial pilot project, funded by the UK, the IOM has focussed on five places: three in Tripoli (Abu Sleem, Triq Al-Sikka and Airport Road), and at Khoms and Gharyan. Typical issues faced were language barriers, difficulties in dealing with health cases and helping those with mental health issues. Topics also discussed in the training sessions included disease prevention, identifying vulnerable cases and freedom of religion.With this kind of program, IOM, try to improve migrants global living conditions.

Italian Prosecutor accuses charities of colluding with traffickers in Libya.

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With the new wave of migration from Libya toward Europe, a lot of voices are going up against EU behaviour in front of the process, especially in front of EU economical aid toward Libya. In an interview with Italian daily La Stampa, Sicily-based prosecutor Carmelo Zuccaro made his most specific claims yet over NGO activities of Libya, which the EU border agency Frontex recently described as tantamount to providing a “taxi” service to Europe. NGO’s volunteer crews save life in front of inaction from EU States.“We have evidence that there are direct contacts between certain NGOs and people traffickers in Libya”, Zuccaro told. The high number of migrants this year, are creating an emergency situation that nobody seems in capacity to deal with.

Militants bring down another Benghazi bridge say LNA sources.

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Conflicts continuing in Libya, between Tripoli and Tobruck Militants in Sabri have blown up a second road bridge in an apparent effort to reinforce their positions in the besieged Benghazi enclave. According to the Libyan National Army overnight yesterday explosives were used to bring down a span of a bridge to the east of the district. According to population, the explosion isn’t due to an airstrike, but due to an explosion prepared on the ground. However, since 48h, Sabri and the smaller militnt enclave of Suq Al-Hout, are bombed by Haftar army.

Southern fightings risks political process as well as lives says EU

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EU has expressed its worries on Libyan clashes, which are taking place in South Libya. “The clashes and
escalation of violence in the south of Libya endanger the political process and put Libyan citizens’ lives at risk” it
said in a statement today. EU has also recalled the necessity to pass by negotiation to put a end to the conflict
which is dividing the country since 2015. The statement said that as part of the quartet with the UN, Arab League
and African Union, the EU would continue to support a political settlement based on the UN Security Council’s
framework. Which means that an accord need to be find under the LPA (Libyan Political Agreement) signed on
December 2015 under UN supervision.

Kobler and Haftar in surprise Benghazi meeting.

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Diplomatic evolution in Libya, during an unexpected meeting. Indeed, UNSMIL chief Martin Kobler has had a surprise meeting with Khalifa Hafter after almost a year during which the armed forces commander-in-chief has repeatedly refused to see him. Discussions had been cordial, according to both sides, and the implementation of the LPA (Libyan Political Agreement – signed in December 2015, but never recognized by East Libyan government). It seems however unclear why Haftar has accepted the meeting, indeed, last September, Kobler has confirmed the role of Haftar in Libyan peace process, but he HoR (House of Representatives) answered to him that he should go out of libyan peace process. But Haftar seems to increase his relations with international powers.


Al-Wafa pipeline reopened, NOC scorns allegations LNA using its airstrips

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The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has rejected accusations it allowed Libyan National Army (LNA) planes to launch and then attack its targets in the south from the Al-Feel oilfield airstrips. Actually the oilfield is under Presidency Council (PC) and the affiliated guard the so-called Petroleum Facilities Guard (PFG).Salem Abu Rawi spokesman for the ‘Desert Rage’ operation in the south, claimed that the LNA were using the airstrip to strike targets in the south and thus inflicting misery on civilians. In front of the situation NOC (Libyan National Oil Corporation) asked to different forces to stop to drop its organisation in a political conflict, so between different political forces which are trying to lead the country.

IOM: African migrants sold in modern-day slave markets in Libya

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The UN International Organization of Migration (IOM), has revealed that west African illegal migrants are being traded in open slave markets in Libya. Libya is the main way for migrants to reach Europe, since the closure of Turkey-Greek border. For a large part of them, they have no identity document and no money. This situation has created the emergence of human traffic in the country. The captives are made to work with no remuneration and meager meals and the captives’ families are often called and threatened for a ransom of around 300,000 west African francs, or US$472. In some cases, migrants are put in illegal prisons, and/or killed by smugglers

US President’s Deputy assistant proposes splitting Libya into three.

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According to the British newspaper The Guardian, a White House Deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, Sebastian Gorka, has reportedly suggested that Libya be split and divided. He purposed a Libyan division based on Ottoman’s provinces plan, which means Cyrenaica in the east, Tripolitania in the north-west and Fezzan in the south-west. This idea had been told to an European Union official, according to The Guardian, this EU sources answered that it could be the worst solution for the country. This idea could create an other division in Lybia, still divided between West Libya governed by Tripoli and Eastern Libya governed by Tobruck.

Benghazi Defence Brigades quit Jufra as PC defence minister orders action against LNA

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New evolutions in conflicts opposing the LNA (Libyan National Army) and BDB (Benghazi Defence Brigade) in the country. The Benghazi Defence Brigade has announced that it has pulled out of Jufra airbase near Hun and handed it over the general chief of staff of the Libyan army (the army supporting the Presidency Council). It says it has gone to another location, but has not disclosed there this it. However, in Tamenhint airbase, BDB is still in sate of siege by LNA. The PC (Presidency Council) of Tripoli ordered to its forces to move to Southern Libya to fight LNA and the Islamic State in the area, under the so-called operation: Al-Amal Al-Muad (“The Promise of Hope”).

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