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Referendum won’t be held without Kurdistan parliament, said Referendum Commission spokesman.

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The Kurdistan Region’s Independent High Electoral and Referendum Commission (IHERC) said a referendum on the region’s independence will not be held without Kurdistan Parliament. IHERC Spokesman Shirwan Zrar said during NRT’s Tawte program on Sunday (March 26) the Kurdistan Region’s Presidency (KRP) has decided to hold an election but the referendum will come from parliament. I believe that authority comes from the Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency”, Zrar said. “Kurdistan Parliament is the only institution for a decision and mandate regarding the decisive subjects, according to the first and second term of Article 56 and Law No. 1 in 1993”. The IHERC spokesman said the Kurdistan Parliament should be reactivated and a law on the referendum should be made, noting, “That law is very important”.


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