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isis attack

Iraq: ISIS attack on SDF and fleeing civilians kills over 30

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ISIS attack in an area held by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeast Syria killed at least 32 people, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The attack on Rajm al-Salibi, the location of a checkpoint and refugee camp near the border with Iraq, led to fierce clashes, injuring dozens, the Britain-based war monitor said. The SDF has been battling ISIS since dawn in nearby areas of Hasaka province, which Kurdish forces largely control. An adviser to the SDF, Nasser Haj Mansour, confirmed that several civilians had died, including people fleeing ISIS in Syria’s Deir al-Zor and in Iraq. The SDF, an alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias, has seized large swathes of northern Syria from Islamic State in a campaign to drive the jihadist group out of Raqqa city, its base of operations in Syria. This week, the SDF said it captured most of the strategic town of Tabqa, 40 km (25 miles) west of Raqqa along the Euphrates. The SDF said fighting continued on Tuesday to capture the last few districts of Tabqa as well as an adjacent dam, Syria’s largest.

Syrian Democratic Forces liberates two villages from ISIS in west of Raqqa

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Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) liberated two villages from Islamic State (ISIS) control during the third phase of the Operation Wrath of Euphrates to isolate the ISIS-held Syrian city of Raqqa. The two villages are situated near Swediyah al-Kabirah to the west of Raqqa. The SDF are currently advancing towards Raqqa on three fronts, and while progress during the third phase has been rapid, some fierce clashes have broken out as ISIS militants look to stem the SDF’s advance. After cutting several strategic roads, the SDF are moving closer to their aim of surrounding and isolating the Syrian city entirely, in anticipation of an operation to liberate the city from the jihadist group. That operation is believed to start within the coming weeks. The SDF, a coalition of Kurdish and Arab fighters who have been successfully fighting ISIS in northern Syria, has been steadily moving in on the jihadist group in Raqqa for the past five months. The operation to isolate the ISIS-stronghold of Raqqa began on November 5, 2016.

Security campaigns in North Sinai: 300 suspects arrested

BreakingNews @en di

After the death of 5 Egyptian’s soldats, killed by a bomb attack in North Sinai, and the death of 18 civil these last days due to attacks, since the beginning of March, security campaigns in North Sinai have killed at least 30 militants, arrested more than 165 suspects over terror-related charges, detained about 300 suspects over charges including smuggling and illegal migration, ruined several smuggling tunnels, detonated dozens of explosive devices and seized large amounts of weapons and ammunition. Most of these attacks had been vindicated by a terrorist group affiliate to ISIS.

ISIS claims of Kabul attack

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The relevant security institutions are assessing the claims made by the loyalists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist as preliminary leads have been found by the intelligence operatives. The Ministry of Interior spokesman, SediqSediqi, said that they are assessing Daesh claims and is premature judges prior to conclusion of investigation. He added that brutal terrorists group as Haqqani, ISIS, Talibans, are been involved also in other terrorist attack in the recent past.

coalition forces carried out 40 air strikes against ISIS in Syria and Iraq

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Coalition forces carried out 40 air strikes against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) have said on Sunday. The air strikes engaged 12 ISIS tactical units, destroyed five vehicles, five fighting positions, a communications tower and stations, four oil storage tanks, eight oil well heads, an oil refinement still and an oil pump jack while other jets launched 26 air raids against ISIS targets near Abu Kamal, al-Bab, Raqqa and Deirez-Zor in Syria.Nine air raids near Mosul destroyed four ISIS headquarters, four watercraft, three command and control nodes and an ISIS support facility. They also damaged nine supply routes and three tunnels.

Syria: Islamic State Attacks Kurdish Town Near Turkish Border

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Islamic State militants launched an assault on the town of Tel Abyad, which is controlled by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, near Syria’s border with Turkey on Feb. 27, Turkish security sources said, Reuters reported. The militant group also attacked the nearby town of Suluk. U.S.-led coalition aircraft carried out 10 airstrikes to try to repel the assault. At least 45 Islamic State militants and 20 Kurdish militia fighters had been killed. The attack was launched hours after a cessation of hostilities came into effect in Syria under a U.S.-Russian plan, though the temporary truce does not apply to Islamic State and al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra. The truce appeared largely to be holding across much of Syria, though government forces will still try to gain ground while rebels defend their positions.

Alessandro Conte
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