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Iran: Jaberi Ansari and Bashar Jaafari meet in Astana

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Iranian Deputy FM Hossein Jaberi Ansari and Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari held talks Tue. during the 4th round of Syria’s international conference in Astana. During the meeting attended by Iranian and Syrian delegations in Astana, the two sides conferred on the latest developments on Astana talks and the political and ground situation in Syria.General and specialized meetings of the fourth International Conference on Syria will be held on Wednesday and Thursday 3-4 May 2017 in the Kazakh capital. Delegations from Astana Process guarantor states (Iran, Russia, and Turkey) together with delegations from observer states will take part in the meetings to find ways to settle the Syrian crisis.

KRG expresses concern over Iran's opposition to Kurdistan independence

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The Kurdistan Region’s Department of Foreign Affairs expressed concerns over comments by Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi, who stated that Iran would be against an independence referendum in the region. Self-determination is a “natural” right of the Kurdish people who have suffered greatly to have their own state, the Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on its official website. “As it has been officially stated by the Kurdistan Regional Government, the referendum and Kurdistan independence is an internal matter for Iraq”, the statement read. “Through dialogue and understanding with Baghdad this will be discussed and decided. “We reject any statement beyond that and emphasize that intervention by any side is not allowed”, it added. It is up to the Kurdish people to decide on independence as is their own undisputed right, the statement read. Qassemi, said during a press conference on Monday that Iran supports the unity of Iraq’s soil and national sovereignty. “We oppose any division and separation from Iraq”, Qassemi added. “There is an endless distance to achieve this [independence of Kurdistan] because of different views between the Kurds and the region”. Qassemi said Kurds should not refuse the sovereignty and unity of Iraq as they have rights in Iraq’s constitution.

Iran hosts nuclear safety forum

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Iran’s central city of Isfahan is hosting the 24th annual meeting of the Forum of the State Nuclear Safety Authorities of the Countries Operating WWER Type Reactors, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) reported. The meeting, which was launched on Tuesday, will continue until Wednesday afternoon with the participation of all member states, namely Iran, Armenia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, China, Finland, Hungary, India, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Germany’s GRS are also present in the two-day event. Following the 1979 Islamic Revolution, most of the international nuclear cooperation with Iran was cut off. However, after a nuclear agreement was reached between Iran and six world powers in 2015, Tehran has been able to enhance nuclear cooperation with other countries. This is the first time that Iran’s nuclear safety center is hosting the annual meeting. The forum was established in 1993 in a bid to foster the enhancement of nuclear safety and radiation protection through the utilization of the collective experience, information exchange, and consolidation of efforts of the national nuclear safety authorities. It holds annual meetings hosted by its member states.

Iran: $5.5mn foreign investment in Iran’s industry in post-JCPOA

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Iran has attracted over $5.5 million in industry and mining sector after signing a landmark nuclear deal, also known as JCPOA, with the six world powers in 2015, according to Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Mohammad-Reza Nematzadeh. Hailing Iranian government’s policy of moderation and engagement with world countries, the minister said that today Iran has activated both its centrifuges and the wheel of its economy. Referring to Iran-France partnership in automaking, nematzadeh said that such cooperation can be a prelude to further cooperation between the two countries.

Iran’s Kurdish opposition call for boycott of May elections

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Iran’s exiled Kurdish opposition groups have jointly called on Kurdish voters to boycott upcoming general elections in the country describing the May elections as “a masquerade” staged by “a regime that has deprived the human and just rights” of the people in Iran’s Kurdistan. The six leading opposition groups based in Kurdistan Region, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (HDK), the Kurdistan Communist Party (Komele), the Kurdistan Communist Party-Iran (Shorishger), the Kurdistan Struggle Orgniztaion (Xebat), the Kurdistan Democratic PartyIran (HDKA) and the Iranian Kurdistan Communist Organisation said in a joint statement that the boycott of elections “is a way to prevent further oppression and crackdown through elections”. Election campaigns for the post of the country’s presidency and city councils kicked off last week with the incumbent President Hasan Rouhani leading the so-called moderate camp against the conservative hardliners including Ebrahim Raisi, a potential successor to Iran’s supreme leader and former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Kurdish voters overwhelmingly voted for Rouhani in the 2013 elections whose campaign promises included recognition of broader Kurdish cultural and educational rights. But critics have slammed Rouhani’s administration over the past years for what they have described as a continuation of state-sponsored discrimination against Kurdish population in the country. “We think that the boycott will eventually impact the elections given the fact that almost all opposition parties in Iran have also called on their supporters for a boycott”, said Ibrahim Alizade, Secretary General of the Komele after reading the statement at a joint press conference in Sulaimani.

Iranian, Russian and Syrian defense ministers meet in Moscow

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Second rounds of trilateral meetings between Iranian, Russian and Syrian defense ministers was held in Moscow on the sidelines of the 6th Conference on International Security. During the meeting, Hossein Dehqan, Sergey Shoygu and Fahd Jassem al-Freij underlined convergence among Tehran, Moscow and Damascus against terrorism. They discussed latest field developments in Syria and explored avenues for fighting against terrorism. The three defense minister also underlined continuation of joint full-scale action to eliminate roots of insecurity and violence in the region. They condemned recent US attack against an airfield in Syria, noting that such treachery attacks in support of terrorists should be halted. They stressed joint decisive action against terrorists to prevent terrorist’s reinforcement and to help establishment of peace in the war-torn region. The first round of the trilateral talks was held in Tehran in 2016.

Iran urges Pakistan’s hunt for border guards attackers

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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani strongly decried the recurrence of terrorist attacks against Iran launched from inside Pakistan, calling on the eastern neighbor to prosecute and bring to justice perpetrators of a Wednesday attack that killed 10 Iranian troops at the common border. In a letter to Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif on Thursday, President Rouhani blamed Islamabad’s “inaction” and “lack of necessary measures” for the occasional damages to Iran and for deaths of Iranian border guards or civilians. It came after members of the so-called Jaish al-Adl Takfiri terrorist group on Wednesday launched an attack from Pakistan against an Iranian border post at the southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan, killing 9 soldiers. Iran’s Police said the martyrs were killed by long-range weapons fired from Pakistani soil. Elsewhere in his letter, the Iranian president said the Islamabad government is expected to prosecute and punish the perpetrators of the fatal attack in order to “maintain and boost good and brotherly relations” with Iran.

Iran, India’s MoD's call for joint cooperation against terrorism.

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Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan and his Indian counterpart Arun Jaitley met on the sidelines of Moscow security conference to stress the need for a decisive fight against terrorism. During the meeting, Brig. Gen. Dehghan highlighted the many cultural and civilizational commonalities for mutual corporation, as well as the geopolitical and geostrategic importance of the two countries, adding “boosting the level of cooperation between Iran and India in political, military and security fields can help tremendously with the improvement of regional security indexes and the expansion of sustainable peace and security all across the region”. The Iranian defense minister noted the various mutual grounds for cooperation between the two countries including fight against terrorism, extremism, drugs trafficking, and piracy, as well as exchanging experiences in various fields, calling for further expansion of ties to the strategic level. Indian Defense Minister Jaitley, for his part, maintained that the common history and civilization has created a bilateral interest on both sides for expansion of relations in all areas related to the preservation of regional security. Stressing that New Delhi recognizes no distinction between different forms of terrorism, adding “every condition is ready to expand cooperation with Iran in defense and security spheres and talks and meetings between the two countries’ defense officials are of great importance in this regard”.

President Hails Islamic Democracy in Iran

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Addressing a gathering of the Iranian people, government officials, and ambassadors from Islamic countries, held in Tehran on Tuesday, President Rouhani pointed to the 12th presidential election and the 5th City and Village Councils elections slated for next month and said the country’s “great nation” is resolved to create “a new epic” in the polls. He made the remarks in a meeting attended by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on the occasion of Eid al-Mab’ath, the anniversary of the day Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was chosen as God’s messenger. “The Islamic Republic of Iran is proud that all high-ranking officials have reached their legitimate power directly or indirectly by the people’s votes”, the president said. He further described “Islamic democracy” as one of the holy gifts given to Muslims on the day of Mab’ath. The presidential vote and the City and Village Councils elections are slated to be held in Iran on May 19. President Rouhani is running for a second term in office. The Interior Ministry released his name on the final list of candidates, who were approved by the Guardian Council (GC) to run in the presidential election.

Iran ranks as No.2 oil supplier to South Korea 1st time for a quarter

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South Korea’s March imports from Iran more than doubled from a year ago to a record of 18.54 million barrels, or 597,935 barrels per day (bpd), data from state-run Korea National Oil Corp (KNOC). For the JanuaryMarch period of 2017, Iran seized the No.2 spot with shipments of 46.73 million barrels, also more than double from the same period last year and the highest on record for a quarter. In the first quarter of 2016, Iran was South Korea’s fifth-biggest oil supplier behind Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait and Qatar, according to KNOC data. This year’s surge in Iranian crude supply came after Tehran was exempted from production cuts led by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to clear a global glut. Iran’s jump to the No.2 spot is also due to solid condensate demand from South Korean refiners such as SK Energy and Hyundai Oilbank. Saudi Arabia held onto its spot as South Korea’s top oil supplier for both March and the full quarter. Shipments from Saudi Arabia rose 10.8 percent in March from a year ago to nearly 26 million barrels, or 838,387 bpd, from 23.46 million barrels last year. In the first quarter, the world’s top oil exporter shipped 77.12 million barrels of crude to South Korea, up 4.4 percent from about 74 million barrels in the same period of 2016, according to the data. Overall, South Korea’s March imports increased 11.7 percent from a year ago to 95.9 million barrels, or 3.09 million bpd, the data showed. The world’s fifth-largest crude importer brought in 278.18 million barrels of crude in the first three months of 2017, up 4.9 percent from 265.3 million barrels last year.

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