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Houthi Militias step in against money transfer from Saudi Arabia

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Houthi Militias found a system to stop transfering money of Yemeni expatriating people to Saudi Arabia. Indeed, most of this money are deputy to save people from famine and poverty. As the consequences of these money transfers,  Houthi militias have given new instructions, which include several ban of getting money from Saudi Arabia. It would be such a serious problem, even because Saudi Arabia was really useful to support the collapsing economy of Yemen. As it is happened to Mohammed, a rebel militant, who received financial efforts from expatriating Yemeni people, starting from now, no one can get other financial effort unless it comes from people, who live in Yemen, and if he does, he would be interrogated for hours. It is enough impossible that no one in Yemen can get economic support from people, who live in Saudi Arabia, especially because the exchange rate is seriously changed.



Yemen got calls for change in the relief routes after Houthi pillaging.

BreakingNews @en di

The Yemeni Government required to UN to change the relief route to Taiz, to assure necessary assistance to be sent without delay. This was motivated by the fact Houthi militias have been still attacking these routes, damaging and making delay for sending of assistance means. Yemeni Government also required to exchange the port of Aden instead of  Al Hudaydah, because it is under Houthi control. Due to the several violations, committed by Houthi Militias, yemeni Government has required to introduce a monitoring system to prevent arm smuggling.

Houthis committed over 5,000 cases of rights violations.

BreakingNews @en di

The annual report of the Yemeni Coalition to Monitor Human Rights Violations said that Houthi and Saleh militias committed more than 5,000 human rights offenses during 2016, 5,092 violations of which 4,882 cases of arbitrary detention, 210 cases of enforced disappearance. Security forces also committed 124 violations. The majority of detainees were subjected to brutal and inhumane treatment. The report also includes stories told by the detainees on the use of physical and psycological torture. Arbitrary arrests and abductions also involved women, with 20 cases of violations of women. Concerning children the report underlined that in 2016 115 children were subjected to arbitrary arrest. Moreover the most affected categories were politicians, activist and human rights defenders.


Asiri: UN needs to permanently monitor, not just visit, Hodeida port.

BreakingNews @en di

After the visit of a UN envoy from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs to the port of Hodeida, the Arab coalition spokesperson Asiri told Al Arabiya that is necessary that the UN convoy permanently monitor the port to know the reality of the area and the criminal practices by the Houthi militias. The aim of the UN visit was to oversee the mechanism of work at the port and verify statements from the coalition forces on the smuggling of illegal weapons to the Houthis and turning the port into a military base. Moreover Asiri confirmed the coalition intentions to end efforts in Mokha and to regain control of the Khalid ibn Walid military camp from Houthi militias.

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