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Hamas movement

Hamas elects new political chief, fears Israeli assassination

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The Hamas terrorist organization on Saturday named former Gaza prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, as the group’s new political chief. Haniyeh succeeds Hamas’ longtime leader Khaled Mashaal, who is based in Qatar, and the move comes shortly after the group unveiled a new, seemingly more pragmatic political program, which Israel swiftly dismissed as an “attempt to fool the world”. Haniyeh’s appointment marks the final phase of the secretive Hamas elections.To serve in his new capacity, however, Haniyeh will apparently be required to leave the coastal enclave and move to Qatar. Haniyeh was supposed to have departed for the Qatari capital of Doha on Saturday for his swearing-in ceremony, but was forced to remain in Gaza after Egypt closed down the Rafah border crossing until further notice.Hamas officials expressed concern that if Haniyeh continues to reside in Gaza in his new capacity, he would be targeted by Israel for assassination and therefore, in their view, it was imperative that he leave the area as soon as possible.Gaza-based political analyst Hani Habib said he did not foresee a big paradigm shift in internal Palestinian politics under the new leadership.

Hamas rejects Abbas' call for peace

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The Hamas terrorist organization wasted little time in rejecting the peace negotiations US President Donald Trump and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas spoke of restarting during their meeting at the White House Wednesday afternoon. Abbas said that he believe that we are capable, under your leadership, your courageous stewardship, and your wisdom, as well as your great negotiating ability, We can be true partners to you to bring about a historic peace treaty. Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said that the terrorist group which rules Gaza categorically rejects Abbas’ statement and that “all of Palestine” belongs to the Palestinian Arabs. We reject Abbas’s statement that all final status issues are solvable, because national rights belong to all Palestinians and no one person can relinquish them.

Netanyahu: Hamas military echelon begged to halt war with Israel

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Netanyahu: Hamas’ military echelon begged to halt war with Israel. “We hit Hamas incredibly hard. They said, ‘We can’t go on with how these crazy Jews are hitting us’ and today they are careful not to shoot at us”, PM tells Knesset State Control Committee about 2014’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. Nethanyau, during a meeting, told a Knesset State Control Committee that Hamas’ military leadership begged the political echelon abroad to stop the war. Also he said that Israel hit Hamas incredibly hard, to the point that its military leadership in Gaza begged the political echelon abroad to stop the war. They said, ‘We can’t go on with how these crazy Jews are hitting us’ and today they are careful not to shoot at us”. As for the circumstances leading up to the fighting, the prime minister said, “We tried avoiding war as much as possible. Three years after the operation, we are now seeing the quietest period in the south”. Netanyahu told the committee that Hamas had prepared itself for a wide-scale operation aimed at removing the naval blockade Israel had imposed on Gaza.

The Fuqaha's murder "clearly bears Mossad's fingerprints"

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Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman brushed off Hamas’ claims on Sunday that Israel was behind the death of its top commander Mazen Fuqaha, saying that the Palestinian militant group is “known for internal assassinations”. “We have no quarrel with Hamas, they can do what they want”, Lieberman said during a tour of the Israeli border community of Sderot, adding that Israel wasn’t looking for “adventures” in the coastal enclave. Hamas said that ISrael is behind the murder of Fuqaha. Fuqaha, saying the murder “clearly bears Mossad’s fingerprints”. Speaking at a memorial service held for Fuqaha in Gaza, Hamas leader Khaled Meshal threatened to retaliate against Israel. “This is a great challenge for us that joins the open account between us and [Israel]”, he said, adding that if Israel is looking to change the rules of the game, “then we accept it”. The commander was sentenced to life in prison and an additional 50 years for planning a suicide bombing on a bus in northern Israel in 2002, which killed nine Israelis. But in 2011, Fuqaha was released as part of a prisoner exchange deal to free Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Originally from the village of Tubas in the northern West Bank, Fuqaha was exiled at Israel’s demand to Gaza. He was considered a senior member of Hamas’ West Bank command, which gave orders and funds to West bank cells.

Hamas develops new 'High-Powered' rocket akin to Hezbollah projectiles

BreakingNews @en di

Hamas has recently developed a new high-powered rocket of which it has already produced several dozen, Army Radio reported on Tuesday. According to the report, the rocket is short-range and can carry a relatively heavy explosive load. In the event of a future conflict between Israel and Hamas, the new rocket would have the most effect on the Israeli communities bordering the Gaza Strip.Hamas has invested a lot of these rockets and if will start a war with ISrael, Palestine is ready. Hamas has stated that if he will start a war, civilians wouldn’t be involved. Tension between Israel and Palestine are soaring after Hamas accused Israel of being behind the assassination of one of its senior operatives, MazenFuqaha, in Gaza over the weekend.Addressing the assassination in a speech in Qatar on Monday, Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Mashaal warned that ““if Israel changes the rules of the game we accept the challenge”.

Hamas movement denied reports of his invitation to attend the Fatah party’s 7th congress

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The Hamas movement denied reports that it had been invited to attend the Fatah party’s seventh congress later this month, Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qasim told Ma’an on Monday. Qasim said that Hamas would not take part in Fatah’s internal conflicts, and called on the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to unite itself and focus on the national struggle against Israeli occupation. Fatah spokesman Mahmoud al-Hija, had previously said in a statement that Fatah had invited all Palestinian factions to attend the conference, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

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