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Turkish FM Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has warned Greece not to try the Turkey’s patience

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Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has warned Greece not to try the country’s patience amid fresh tension between the two countries over remarks by Greek Foreign Minister NicosKotzias, which he described as “provocative.” Çavuşoğlu’s remarks follow the latest row between himself and his Greek counterpart, who previously criticized the Turkish top brass’ visit to the long-disputed Kardak islets in the Aegean Sea. He also advised Kotzias to closely follow developments from Turkey in its fight against terror inside the country and abroad and not to mistake the abilities of the Turkish Armed Forces. The islets, named Imia in Greek and Kardak in Turkish, are two small uninhabited rocks in the Aegean Sea, situated between the Greek island chain of the Dodecanese and the southwestern mainland coast of Turkey. The two countries nearly went to war over the islets in 1996 in an escalation that resulted in both sides landing soldiers on an islet each. The minister also refuted claims that Ankara wanted to benefit from Athens’ economic weakness, noting that the country encouraged millions of Turks to visit Greece every year and also limited its activities in the Aegean for years despite all kinds of provocation. The number of Turkish citizens who have illegally entered Greece since the attempted takeover now stands at 100, including the eight ex-soldiers who fled to the country in a stolen helicopter hours after orchestrating the coup and requested asylum. Ankara has repeatedly requested the extradition of the eight men, promising they would get fair trials upon return. However, the Greek Supreme Court ruled against their extradition in January

IOM: 164,752 arrivals in 2016, 531 deaths

BreakingNews @en di

164,752 migrants or refugees entered in Europe by sea in 2016: 149,534 in Greece (366 deaths in Eastern route), 15,218 in Italy (165 deaths in Central and Western Route). These are IOM numbers about the EU immigration from January to March 2016. A report which certifies a new migration route map.

A new migration route map which means two different origins. Indeed, Sub-Saharian people usually prefer pass through Libya and Italy to reach Europe. While Syrians and Iraqis have definitely chosen the Greek route. As reported by Hellenic Coast Guard, “77,392 of the newly arrived migrants are from Syria, 38,116 from Afghanistan, 23,078 from Iraq, 5,085 from Pakistan and 4,369 from Iran.” And from January 2015 to March 2016 IOM calculated “1,003,184 arrivals to Greece by sea.”

And like Kelly Namia of the IOM Athens office said, “It should be emphasized that there was a significant decrease in daily arrivals in March 2016, when 24,727 have reached Greece. The majority of the newly arrived migrants have reached the island of Lesbos, which accounted for 58% of the overall arrivals. Another 23 % arrived in Chios, 6% in Samos and 6% in Leros.”


Arrivals by sea and deaths in the Mediterranean (

1 January – 29 March 2016

 Country of Arrival



Italy 15,218 165 (Central and Western Med route)
Greece 149,534 366
(Eastern Med route)
Estimated Total 164,752 531


  Arrivals by sea to Italy 
January – March 2015/2016
Source: Italian Ministry of Interior)











(Estimate as of 29 March)



(Estimate as of 29 March)



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