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Italy seeks to bolster Libya migrant deal as arrivals surge.

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Italy will host a meeting between European and North African countries next week in a bid to strengthen support for an agreement it struck with Libya to fight people smuggling as migrant arrivals surge. The President of the GNA (Governement of National Agreement), al-Seraj will meet his Italian counter-part Gentiloni, and interior ministers of 8 EU countries. Italy will guide the operation, this recall its participation to the training of Libyan’s coast guards (duly criticized few weeks ago). The “Movimento 5 Stelle” had clearly expressed its opposition to the Italo-Libyan accord, and had called to the come back of Italian’s diplomats from Tripoli.


A ceasefire signed in Tripoli after four days of fighting between militias.

BreakingNews @en di

After 4 days of violent confrontations in Libyan’s capital an agreement of cease-fire had been signed in Tripoli. This immediate ceasefire took under GNA (Government of National Agreement) supervision, previous the relaunch of people who had been caught these last 4 days, and the leaving of armed militia until 30 days. Confrontation had been start Monday evening, after the murder of bank guards. The confrontation was based on the opposition between the GNA and Khalifa Gweil supports, who had been put away of the government in 2015, after the agreement on internal Libyan politic. Tripoli remains an unstable place since the falling of Ghadaffi.

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