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Misratan MPs slam Siala’s Hafter remark

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Government of National Accord (GNA) foreign minister Mohamed Siala’s reference to Khalifa Hafter as commander of the Libyan army continues to draw flack from the general’s opponents. Misratan members of the HoR (House of Representatives) told that Siala’s behaviour could pave the way to a new civil war and impeach LPA (Libyan Political Agreement) to be implemented. They also recalled that general Haftar doesn’t still recognize officially LPA. Though UNSMIL chief Martin Kobler has been saying that Hafter has an important role to play in a future unified armed forces, many Misratans object to Hafter because of his past as a Qaddafi general

European Council has prolonged sanctions against Libya targeting.

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European Council (EC) has prolonged sanctions against Libya targeting three persons for six months, to know: Agila Saleh, president of the Libyan Council of Deputies in the House of Representatives; Khalifa Ghweil, prime minister and defence minister of the internationally unrecognised General National Congress; and Nuri Abu Sahmain, president of the internationally unrecognised General National Congress. These person obscure, according to EC, the implementation of the LPA (Libyan Political Agreement) signed on 17th December 2015, which has implemented the GNA (Government of National Accord).




Al-Sisi asserts need of political solution in Libya.

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On Wednesday, President Al-Sisi has met the Prime minister of the GNA (Government of National Accord) Al-Sarraj. He stressed him to find a political solution to stabilize Libya. Egypt has recalled its sustained to Libyan forces. Al Sisi has concluded the meeting stressing Al-Sarraj to maintain the dialogue with Libyan Parliament (which means HoR-House of Representatives). Egypt had expressed last week it sustain to East Libyan forces, and has maybe sustain interventions of LNA (Libyan National Army) during the conflict in the Oil Crescent, so this meeting is a new sign from Egypt to renew the Libyan-Libyan dialogue after the events.

Libyan NOC official warns of force majeure at oil ports as rivals mobilise

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The situation in the Oil crescent stay conflictual. A senior official at Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) warned on Monday of a possible declaration of force majeure at the Es Sider and Ras Lanuf oil terminals, as air strikes continued and rival forces mobilised fighters in the area. Due to air strikes committed by LNA (Libyan National Army)  a large part of workers have left the industry. The effective control of the exploitation isn’t so clear. Oil is no longer being pumped to Es Sider, forcing Waha Oil Co to halt production and also affecting output by Harouge Oil Operations. In one hand the GNA (Government of National Accord) at Tripoli asks for a stabilization under the NOC, in an other hang General Haftar (LNA) has deployed in emergency 600 men to support the Petroleum Facilities Guard in the Oil Crescent. So, the situation is still not stabilize and the production decrease could have an important impact on Libyan’s economy, and maybe a global rise of oil’s price, so consequences at the international level.

Sirte bastion taken from Daesh by forces loyal to Libya’s UN-backed government

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Forces loyal to Libya’s UN-backed government said on Monday they had seized full control of the city of Sirte from the Daesh group, dealing a major blow to the extremists. The battle for the city, which was the last significant territory held by Daesh in Libya, took more than six months and cost the lives of hundreds of loyalist troops. “Our forces have total control of Sirte,” Reda Issa, a spokesman for pro-government forces, told reporters. “Our forces saw Daesh totally collapse,” he said. Forces allied with the country’s unity government launched an offensive to retake the city on May 12, quickly seizing large areas of the city and cornering the extremists. But Daesh put up fierce resistance with suicide car bombings, snipers and improvised explosive devices. The United States started a bombing campaign in August at the request of the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) to help local forces recapture the city, seized by Daesh in June 2015. “Daesh has totally collapsed and dozens of them have given themselves up to our forces,” said a statement on the loyalist forces’ official Facebook page. Libya descended into chaos following the NATO-backed ousting of longtime dictator Muammer Qadhafi in 2011, with rival administrations emerging and well-armed militias vying for control of the country’s vast oil wealth.

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