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giulio regeni murder

Alfano proves tortures to Regeni with testimony of five Egyptian agent.

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Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said he had asked Egyptian counterpart Sameh Choukry “in a very clear and frank way” to see that all documents on tortured and murdered student Giulio Regeni requested by Rome prosecutors “be sent as soon as possible”.  Alfano told that he have some proves of tortures with testimony of five Egyptian agent. For his part, Choukry, has sicured his Italian counterpart to do all he can to resolve the situation, which means replace an Italian ambassador in Egypt, removed after the case.

Regeni: Egyptian government hides the truth

BreakingNews @en di

Giulio Regeni murder mystery is continuing. The admission from three sources of Egyptian intelligence, that the 28 year old was arrested for his impertinent behavior and, above all, because he was suspected of being a spy due to his relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Left Movement April 6, were denied today by the Egyptian Ministry of Interior which, on Mena news agency, repudiated “that Italian student was arrested before he was found dead on the outskirts of Cairo.”

First of all, reliable data. The autopsy showed signs of torture on Regeni’s body, including seven broken ribs and signs of electrocution on genital area.

But, in the past 48 hours, it emerged a dichotomy between what is reported by international media as New York Times and Reuters and as Italian Corriere della Sera and Repubblica, and the Egyptian authorities interpretation. Beyond the denial, there is an ongoing attempt to deflect investigations.

Some witnesses, believed to be reliable at first, now clash with intelligence sources commentaries, separately and anonymously interviewed by New York Times, and with surveillance cameras which should have recorded the arrest on January 25.

As revealed by the three witnesses of the intelligence, Regeni’s growing interest about the Egyptian trade unions, opposed by President Al Sisi, would have persuaded local authorities to think that the Italian Ph.D was a spy.

According to Corriere della Sera, last December the University of Cambridge, near which was Regeni graduate student, would have asked him to step up research within trade unions and opposition movements. For this reason, the last weeks of his life should be marked by the attendance at meetings of such movements and the knowledge of trade union and Muslim Brotherhood members.

But what did really happen on January 25? Regeni’s Facebook chat denied that he was arrested by two policemen. Here, the Ph.D talks to his girlfriend and his professor after two hours compared with some witnesses report.

It’s evident that Regeni’s contacts have made the Egyptian intelligence suspicious before January 25, the day of his disappearance.
Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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