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UNRWA workers’ strikes against agency’s administration could be suspended

BreakingNews @en di

UNRWA declared it would suspend its strike against the agency’s administration for 10 days. Suheil al-Hindi, the head of the union, told that at Friday’s meeting with UNRWA’s general commissioner it was agreed to freeze the strike and form a committee to find solutions to the union’s demands. He said that the UNRWA administration had responded positively to the union’s demand to fill a number of job vacancies and had hired 200 new teachers, with 200 others to be hired in January. Al-Hindi reiterated that the union was also calling for an end to UNRWA service cuts across the Middle East, and an increase in salaries for local staff and added that the union would escalate its strikes and protests if an agreement was not reached in the coming 10 days.

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