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French tourist

French civil kidnapped in Tchad, all the measures are mobilized for obteining the civil liberation.

BreakingNews @en di

A french Civil has been kidnapped at Abéché ( Tchad), and one Military source confirmed that all the measures are mobilized for obteining the civil liberation. The last kidnapping in lake tchad region was in 2009, Laurent Meurice was abducted by a sudanese group: “les Aigles de libération de l’Afrique”, he has been set free after 89 days of detention, on the 6th of February 2010. The Tchad region is one of the principle french allie against the terrorism, at N’djamena there are Barkhane antiterrorists forces, constituted by Mauritanie, Mali, Niger, Tchad and Burkina Faso). The one and only case of a french hostage is Sophie Pétronin, kidnapped at Gal, northern part of Mali, on the 24th of december 2016, even though his kidnapping has never been claimed.

French tourist have been called to return to Tunisia for their holidays

BreakingNews @en di

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, on Wednesday, called on French tourists to return to Tunisia and take full advantage of their holidays in this “beautiful country”. Tourism is a driving element of the Tunisian economy and the security situation has improved considerably, he said at the end of his meeting with Prime Minister Youssef Chahed. He is making a two-day official visit to France. Some 464,665 French tourists visited Tunisia in 2015, down 35.5% compared to 2014. France has been the leading European customer of Tunisia in terms of tourism since 2004. In an exclusive statement to TAP, France’s ambassador to Tunis, Olivier Poivre d’Arvor stressed his country’s determination to actively encourage the rapid return of French tourists to Tunisia. “This position is explained by the stabilisation of the political and security situation in Tunisia insofar as the danger of terrorism is largely controlled by the efforts exerted by the military and security institutions,” he said.

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