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Iran has no negotiations with US on JCPOA.

BreakingNews @en di

FM Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said Iran raised the issue of US non-compliance with the nuclear deal and Trump’s negative remarks about Iran at the recent joint commission with the 5+1 in Vienna. Speaking to reporters at his weekly press conference on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi talked about the first joint commission between Iran and the 5+1 groups of countries after Donald Trump took office, adding “many issues were raised at the meeting on April 25, and Iran voiced its dissatisfaction over US violations of commitments under the nuclear deal and the remarks made by President Trump against Iran that may have some adverse consequences for the country”. Ghasemi went on to add that the Commission’s members hailed Iran for adhering to its JCPOA commitments, and voiced his satisfaction over the meeting’s communiqué.

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