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Angolian Army is accused of having crossed the border near Cabinda enclave.

BreakingNews @en di

Angolian Army is accused of having crossed the border near Cabinda enclave. They kidnapped two men suspected to be FLEC militants ( liberation front of Cabina enclave) under Angolan administration. Angolan military made a raid on RDC territory, village Kai Nganga, durign the night and stopped and arrested two man, then brought then on the other side of the border. < It’s the fourth raid since the beginning of the year, angolan soldiers came here looking for those who are suspected being FLEC member> Kai-Nganga habitants said, even though, according to their relatives, the two man missing are not politically active. Geneve, FLEC spokesman, denaunce an increasing of military operations against Cabinda, as rhe general elections are getting closer. According to secretary of Civic Society of Kakongo, several villages are victims of these raids of angolan soldiers, apparently looking for FLEC rebels.

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