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fight against torture

Afghanistan: torture and ill-treatment of conflict-related detainees is a matter of serious concern

BreakingNews @en di

“The continuing torture and ill-treatment of conflict-related detainees is a matter of serious concern, but we acknowledge the genuine commitment and the efforts of the Government to deal with this issue”, said Tadamichi Yamamoto, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan. The findings are based on interviews with 469 conflict-related detainees conducted from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016 in 62 detention facilities administered and they talked about an Afganistan that did not change with weidspread misstreatment and torture against conflict-releated detainees. The torture appears to be linked to forcing confessions, according to the report, and stopped once detainees signed a “confession” 8211 even in cases when the interviewed detainees did not understand or could not read what was written in the “confession. But this system of locking up alleged criminal does not increase the security, because when the people undergo a torture, they will will say anything to stop it; considering this that confessions produced in this matter are “totally unreliable”. The Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan called for proper monitoring of detention facilities in Afghanistan and meaningful investigations to ensure that those accused of torture are brought to trial and held accountable as the only way to make the country fairer, more secure and more peaceful.

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