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EU ambassador

Lebanon: Aoun’s stance towards Hezbollah arms could result in UNIFIL withdrawal

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Ambassadors of 6 major countries sounded the alarm Friday over President Michel Aoun’s latest statements about Hezbollah’s arms, amid threats that the the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon or UNIFIL could withdraw its peacekeeping mission from south Lebanon. A meeting was held on February 15 at the United Nations headquarters in Yarze. It included ambassadors of the International Support Group for Lebanon, the US, France, Britain, Germany, Italy and China in addition to the EU ambassador and Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Lebanon and Arab League Representative. The meeting addressed three main issues: The upcoming parliamentary elections and the new electoral law, the security situation in Lebanon including backing the Lebanese Army, the International Brussels Conference on the Syrian crisis and the Syrian refugees in Lebanon.Talks highlighted the latest statement of Aoun during an official visit to Egypt, during which they said does not abide by resolution 1701, but merely reflects visions of a single Lebanese party. The US ambassador has however, revealed a tendency to pull the UNIFIL forces from southern Lebanon if the country does not abide by international conventions.

Meeting between President Ivanov and EU Ambassador Sanuel Zbogar

BreakingNews @en di

European integration, the crisis with the refugees and the 11 December elections have been topics of discussion in a meeting between the President of the country, George Ivanov and EU ambassador, Samuel Zbogar. President Ivanov has demanded a new approach of the EU towards his country, saying that the approach shown so far has not been productive and has resulted in retrograde political processes.

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