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Egypt's army commanders discuss military cooperation with top US general

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Egypt’s Minister of Defence Sedki Sobhi met with the commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM) Joseph L Votel on Sunday to discuss military cooperation between the two countries.In an official statement on its Facebook page, the Egyptian army said the meeting, which took place in Cairo, tackled regional and international efforts to counter terrorism amid latest developments in the MENA region. The senior US commander also met with Egyptian Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Mahmoud Hegazy, the two discussing a number of issues of common interest, including strengthening cooperation in the military field and sharing expertise between the two armies. The meeting was attended by a number of military leaders, according to the army’s statement. “Egypt is one of our most important partners in the region,” General Votel was quoted as saying in the press release. CENTCOM’s area of responsibility covers 20 nations at the intersection of three continents and globally vital commercial sea lanes, flight corridors, pipelines, and overland routes

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