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French plan of an International conference on the two-states solution approved by Palestinians

BreakingNews @en di

Palestinians on Monday welcomed a French plan to hold an international conference on the two-state solution in Paris at the end of December. In Jerusalem PM Netanyahu called on Abbas to immediately hold direct negotiations with him. Abbas has persistently rejected such calls, stating that Israel must halt all settlement activity and Jewish building in east Jerusalem before such talks could be held. Israel on Monday warned France that their plan only emboldens Abbas to continue to refuse to negotiate. Israel is committed to the peace process, but believe that a final status agreement with the Palestinians can only be reached through direct talks.

Netanyahu asks the US to continue supporting Israel

BreakingNews @en di

PM Netanyahu made a public plea on Sunday to the US to continue its support for Israel and not seek a UN resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, “whoever wins” Tuesday’s election. In an apparent message to incumbent US President Barack Obama, Netanyahu told his weekly cabinet meeting he expects the “United States will remain true to its commitment for many years that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be resolved through direct negotiations without pre-conditions, and of course not through decisions by the United Nations of other international bodies.”

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