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Defence Minister

Tunisian PM visits the family of the soldier killed by terrorists last Saturday night

BreakingNews @en di

Prime Minister Youssef Chahed, on Sunday, asked Defence Minister Farhat Horchani to head to Kasserine to visit the family of soldier Saïd Ghozlani, who was killed by a terrorist group last Saturday night. Chahed has also instructed the Minister of Justice to offer his condolences to the family members of the martyred soldier, an official source in the office of the Prime Minister told TAP. He also gave instructions to ensure that “no effort will be spared to find the terrorists responsible for this heinous act” and tasked Minister of Health, Samira Merai with providing psychological support to the victim’s family, said the same source. A terrorist group composed of 20 individuals stormed the soldier’s home located on the side of Mount Mghilla in the town of el-Khraïfiya (Kasserine) on Saturday at around 7 p.m. and gunned him down, a source in el-Khraïfiya who requested anonymity told TAP on Sunday morning. Saïd Ghozlani, a young soldier aged 26 with the rank of sergeant, has been stationed in Medenine (South) for two years. Heavy police and military reinforcements were deployed in the region. Extensive sweeping operations are conducted across the area in search for the terrorist group, said military sources.

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