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Project of cultural cooperation between Tunisia and France

BreakingNews @en di

A delegation from the European Union gathering four experts in the cultural sector paid Thursday afternoon a visit to the governorate of Manouba where they visited the regional delegation of cultural affairs, the regional library and the culture centre Mohamed Abdelaziz Agrebi. According to the regional delegate of cultural affairs Sallouha Inoubli, this visit is part of vitalising a cooperation project between the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. Funded by the European Union, this project aims to contribute to strengthening the strategic role of culture in the Tunisian societal project and to make it one of the pillars of economic and social development, he said. On this occasion, members of the delegation met with representatives of the delegation and discussed ways of strengthening and developing co-operation, in particular as regards the improvement of skills in the cultural field and the rehabilitation of cultural centres with a view to best serve the needs of young people and meet their expectations.

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