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Police arrest 28 for critical social media posts in nationwide crackdown

BreakingNews @en di

Police have arrested an estimated 28 activists and young members of several political parties in a sweeping security crackdown across several governorates. According to rights lawyer Khaled Ali the arrests took place over 10 governorates, with charges relating to the sharing of posts critical of the government on social networking sites, particularly Facebook. According to opposition, and Human Right protection’s organisation it is an other attempt to speech freedom in the country. The arrests come as Parliament is discussing a bill to further criminalize criticism of the president or comments deemed insulting to the Egyptian state. Rights organizations have called nationwide campaign targeting political activists an attempt by the state to further consolidate its powers and to curtail criticism.

Duterte’s crackdown gets political

BreakingNews @en di

One of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s fiercest critics is now behind bars on drug charges, marking a political escalation of his anti-crime crackdown and opening a new chapter in his heavy-handed rule. Senator Leila de Lima was arrested on the morning of February 24, symbolically the day before the 31st anniversary of the People Power Revolution which ousted another Philippine strongman, Ferdinand Marcos.

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