Towards the design of a white paper of the civil society
The Coalition of the civil society for the peace and the fight against the proliferation of the light weapons (CONASCIPIL) held an opening ceremony at Grand Hotel du Bomako presenting a project entitled “To build a lasting peace in Mali: contribuition of the civil society to the safety policies of the population”. The ceremony was chaired by the Secretary of the Safety and the Civil protection, general Salif Traoré, in the presence of the Sweden Ambassador in Mali Eva Emanèus, and the prime minister Issoufi Maïga. Among the guests the president of the CONASCIPIL, Bamoussa Touré, and a representative of the International Institute of peace studies of Stockholm, Gregory Chauvzac. The project was thrown 6 months ago by the CONASCIPIL and its parthner SIPRI. It aims a strenghtening of the partecipation of the civil society in the local and national strategies of security and protection of the populations.The president of the CONASCIPIL explained that this “white paper on the security in out country” it’s a project of three years and will cover 35 municipalities.