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North Korea accuses CIA of 'bio-chemical' plot against leadership

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North Korea on Friday accused the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and South Korea’s intelligence service of a plot to attack its “supreme leadership” with a bio-chemical weapon and said such a “pipe-dream” could never succeed. Tension on the Korean peninsula has been high for weeks, driven by concern that North Korea might conduct its sixth nuclear test or test-launch another ballistic missile in defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions.

CIA spies hired as teachers at Gülen-linked schools

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The network of U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, dubbed the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) by Turkish officials and prosecutors, employed CIA spies to work as English teachers at their schools in Central Asian Turkic republics. On March 8, the Ankara 17th Court of Serious Crimes approved the indictment against 221 suspects, including Gülen himself, said to be the central figure behind the bid to overthrow the government last summer.

WikiLeaks claims publication of secret CIA hacking tools

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The Wikileaks organization has published on its website a document,stolen to the CIA, in which speaks about a project that the American agency, in collaboration with other foreign intelligence agencies, would develop in order to control all the electronic equipment, in addition to the apps for messaging such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal. Jonathan Liu, the CIA spokesman, said that the Agency have no intention , at least for now, to do any statements concerning the veracity of the document, according to Wikileaks cyber attacks against the DNC and against Hilary Clinton e-mail during the election campaign of 2016 would led by the CIA  and are part of the operation “Weeping Angel”.


CIA Director awarded Saudi Prince bin Naif with the “George Tenet” medal

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CIA Director Mike Pompeo awarded Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif with the “George Tenet” medal due to his efforts to fight terrorism. This award is an international recognition of the Kingdom’s anti terrorism efforts under the directives of King Salman. The crown prince also said that fighting terrorism needs international effrots at all levels: financially,intellectually,militarily and through the media. Furthermore the prince declared that the Saudi-US ties are strong and the two sides will not allow anything or anyone to come between them.

NSA, CIA and FBI directors ready to discuss about the Russian cyber attack with Trump

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James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, John Brennan, the CIA Director, and James Comey, FBI Directorate are ready to meet in New York with President-elect Trump to discuss the events related to the alleged manipulation of the presidential election in November by Russian agents. President Obama has already met the three directors on Tuesday. While the press expects a declassified version of the Intelligence, reports are followed by a series of rumors that Trump would choose Dan Coats as the new Director of National Intelligence. Coats is certainly not a friend of Moscow: he was one of the supporters of sanctions against Russia following the annexation of the Crimea in 2014. Furthermore, some of the media, including the prestigious Wall Street Journal, launched the rumor that Trump would have in mind a reform of the Intelligence services. The news was denied by the spokesman of the President-elect.

CIA: President Putin directly involved in the hacking events in favor of the election of Trump as President

BreakingNews @en di

Anonymous CIA sources have declared to the NBC that Russian President Putin would be directly involved in the hacking events in favor of the election of Trump for President. These sources claim that Russian hackers would have access to the computers of the Democratic National Committee to carry on Putin’s personal vengeance against Hilary Cliton. Between the two there isn’t a good relationship from the days when Hilary was Secretary of State and Putin Prime Minister. The Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said Russian Press Agency TASS that the rumors published by NBC News are not founded.

CIA: Russia’s actions favoured Trump’s victory in the presidential elections

BreakingNews @en di

The CIA has ensured that the actions of Russian hackers have favored the Trump victory in the presidential elections of November. Already during the election campaign some members of the Democratic Party had suggested a Russian support for Trump. The President-elect has categorically denied this possibility but does not seem as suggestive because the Government of Moscow is committed to sustaining extremist candidates in the elections of the major Western countries for years.

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