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Niger lays in a dangerous triangle between Libya, Mali and Chad Lake, the Republic President said

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The Republic Pesident, Issoufou Mahamadou, met last Sunday representatives from the 15 Members States of ONU Security Council, to bring the focus on national security issues with specific regard to the terroristic phenomenon of Boko Haram. Mahamadou also explained that Niger lays in a dangerous triangle between Libia, Mali and Chad Lake, and this represents a permanent menace for the country. With regard to libian crysis Mahamadou underlined that he had foreseen the current destabilization of the country durign the G8 Summit held in Deauville in 2011 but he wasn’t taken in acount. In his opinon is very important to consider African Union’s proposals to get over the libian crysis. The president also underlied that Niger suffers frequent attacks along Mali’s border; a possible solution should include a cooperation with Algeria in order to realize a plan to isolate and fight terroristic groups, and the setting up of an international task force – with contingents from Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso Chad and Mauritania, as suggested by G5. Mahamadou would hope for the Security Council to  mobilize international comunity to finance the initiative.

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