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Talks on new EU – Azerbaijan agreement, important step to develop bilateral cooperation

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today received EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia Herbert Salber. Recalling his visit to Belgium, President Ilham Aliyev noted the useful meetings and discussions held within this visit. Stressing that during this visit it was launched negotiations on a new agreement between EU and Azerbaijan, the head of state named it as an important step to develop bilateral cooperation even more, expressed hope the works would be continued actively and end in time. The president and EU representative had comprehensive exchange of views about the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, the situation on the contact line and current state of negotiations for solution to the problem and prospects.

A joint group of Russian and Armenian forces will fight in the Caucasus region

BreakingNews @en di

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has approved a proposal by the Russian government to establish a joint group of Russian and Armenian forces in the Caucasus region to deal with potential attacks on either countries. The alliance is being established to ensure the security of Russia and Armenia in the Caucasus. Under the agreement, servicemen of the Russian Federation and Armenia engage themselves to repel any armed attack against each of the parties, as well as to suppress any attempts at illegal entry across the borders of the two countries. The agreement is for the term of five years with an automatic extension option if no one of the parties wishes to terminate the cooperation. A similar agreement is already in force between Russia and Belarus. Currently, in the town of Gyumri, 80 miles north of the Armenian capital, there is a Russian Army’s base where around 5,000 troops are stationed.

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