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Minister Crnadak on the Summit Brdo-Brijuni: EU will be completed only after the Integration of Balkans

BreakingNews @en di

Minister of Foreign Affairs of BiH Igor Crnadak attended the meeting of foreign ministers in Brdo, in Slovenia. The minister stressed during the discussion the importance of such meetings at the ministerial level and added that this type of initiative can give new impetus to the process of integration into the European Union. He agrees with the fact that the European Union will not be complete until the arrival of the Balkans. He also stressed the importance of the Trieste meeting, which will address this issue, but also other types of problems, such as the fact that young people leave the area and corruption. He also added that some things should be improved regardless of the European Union but actually for the sake of democracy and development, such as independence and freedom of the media. All this, in the opinion of the Minister, can be achieved through cooperation and good relations between the countries.


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