De la Calle hopes that the agreement between the rebel militia ELN and the government will be successful
Humberto de la Calle, former Chief Negotiator of the Government in the peace process with the FARC, speaking at a conference at the University of Manizales said that hopes that the agreement between the rebel militia ELN and the government will be successful, however, pointed out that if the attack of last Sunday in Bogotá should be a work of ELN then the peace talks would feel the effects. Regarding the agreements of La Habana de la Calle answered words of former President Uribe, who said that if his coalition win the presidential election of 2018 would change the agreement with the FARC, former Chief Negotiator noted that it is necessary to continue on the current line and that it would be futile to retract an agreement that largely has already entered into force.