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Kurdistan Iracheno, in attesa del risultato referendario


Erbil, il referendum annunciato dopo la consapevolezza che il percolo Isis era ormai sotto controllo è in atto. La città di quattro milioni di persone è interamente coinvolta e partecipe, le bandiere della regione autonoma del Kurdistan sventolano dalle finestre e dalle auto nel traffico della ring road locale, mentre in tutta la regione sono 5,6 milioni i curdi chiamati al voto.

Per il referendum questo è il momento migliore, forse l’unico, forte della resistenza al terrorismo islamico che ha compattato tutta la popolazione contro un unico nemico e che di fatto ha permesso il controllo del territorio lasciato indifeso dall’esercito nazionale iracheno, discioltosi all’avanzare delle bandiere nere.

Il Presidente Barzani  però non riesce ad ottenere il sostegno internazionale che pensava di avere, Trump  non ha voluto schierarsi con i Kurdi  come molte delle cancellerie occidentali, solo Israele ha dichiarato il suo sostegno all’indipendenza Kurda con l’evidente obiettivo di  bloccare il piano Iraniano di sviluppare il famoso corridoio sciita.

Oltre confine invece la Turchia è assolutamente contraria per il timore di vedere convergere su questo stato indipendente anche i curdi di Turchia, Siria e Iran con evidenti problemi politici e di sicurezza nazionale.

D’altronde solo in questo momento Barzani poteva provare ad incassare il credito speso con la difesa e liberazione di Kirkuk prima e Mosul poi con grande dispendio di vite umane.

Attendiamo allora la chiusura delle urne per capire come si muoverà il governo centrale di Bagdad nei confronti della Regione Autonoma alla quale non permetterà certo di appropriarsi dei pozzi petroliferi di Kirkuk e delle relazioni con i principali attori della zona, Siria, Iran, Truchia e la coalizione internazionale

Italy to continue providing treatment to wounded Peshmerga.

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Italy is to continue providing treatment to members of the Peshmerga forces wounded during the fight against Islamic State (ISIS), the Italian Consul to Erbil. Masoud Barzani received the new Italian Consul to the Kurdistan Region, Serena Muroni, in Erbil on Monday, the Kurdistan Region’s Presidency (KRP) reported. According to a statement by the KRP, Muroni reaffirmed her country’s support and training for the Peshmerga forces as well as medical treatment to wounded Peshmerga forces. Barzani acknowledged the government of Italy, saying the country has expressed readiness to support the Kurdistan Region and the Peshmerga forces in the rainy days that have plighted the region. After Barzani brought up the issue of a referendum and the independence of Kurdistan, Consul Muroni said Italy supports any effort which brings stability and peace to the area, the KRP stated. Italy has about 750 soldiers stationed in military camps in Baghdad and Erbil, and mostly trains Iraqi army and police. The country has also provided Iraqi forces with 24 B1 tanks and provides air support with four Tornado warplanes and two Boeing 767 aircrafts. Iraq has also signed a contract with Italy’s Trevi Group worth €273 million ($296 million) to reinforce and maintain Mosul Dam for 18 months. In an unannounced visit, Italy’s Defense Minister visited Iraq on February 3 and met with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. Following her meeting with Abadi, Minister Roberta Pinotti held talks with senior Kurdish officials the next day. According to the KRP at the time, Pinotti said Italian assistance to the Kurdistan Region and Peshmerga forces would continue.



Iraqi parliament to decide on the deactivation of Kurdistan parliament.

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The Iraqi Parliament held a session on Sunday to discuss the deactivation of the Kurdistan Parliament. The session was however postponed until Tuesday to make decisions on the region’s parliament. The Gorran bloc head called on the Iraqi Parliament to instead play an “effective role” in reactivating the region’s parliament. Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) lawmaker in the Iraqi Parliament, Muhsin Saadun, said the discussion of the region’s parliament by the Iraq Parliament in such a way was “unconstitutional”. Amar Tuma, Head of the Fazila bloc, called on the parties in the Kurdistan Region to reach a compromise saying the deactivation of the Kurdistan Parliament was an “incorrect job”. Crises inside Iraqi Kurdistan deepened after the five major political parties failed to reach an agreement on the Kurdistan presidency issue in October 2015, following the expiration of Massoud Barzani’s term as president. Barzani refused to step down and remains unofficially in office. According to the law, Barzani cannot run for presidency anymore but the KDP insists that Massoud Barzani should remain president of the region. Gorran says Barzani cannot run for presidency again.


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