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Pro-Israel Group seeks legal action against Barcelona BDS declaration

BreakingNews @en di

Last week, the Presidency Commission of the Barcelona City Council issued a declaration calling for an end to Israel’s “violations of international law”. While the council fell short of issuing full support of BDS and declaring itself “Free of Israel Apartheid”, its declaration did give a nod in support of the movement.On Tuesday, ACOM president Angel Mas told The Jerusalem Post that the declaration by the Barcelona City Council represents a new strategy by pro-BDS movements in Spain.“We have to be very clear about what actually happened in Barcelona. Extreme Left parties have gained access to many municipalities [throughout Spain], including control of the large municipalities in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. Their original plan was very clear “to have very significant parts of Spain become ‘Judenfrei’”, Mas said, using the German term for “Free from Jews”. However, according to Mas, that plan was met with severe opposition in the media, certain branches of government and the courts. Following the municipality’s declaration, Rafeef Ziadah, a member of the International Secretary of the Palestinian National Committee of BDS issued a statement to the media in which he welcomed the resolution. “This resolution is an institutional recognition of civil society demands for an end to complicity in violations of international law through nonviolent struggle, as practiced by the BDS movement”, he said.

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