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White House 'considering potential attack' to liberate Al-Hudaydah port.

BreakingNews @en di

Key members of the US government will attend a meeting, set this week, to discuss the situation in Yemen since the Arab Alliance requested their participation in the battle to control the port. The proposal was presented last year to the Obama administration, which rejected the plan because it was seen as a direct engagement of US troops in Yemen. Nowadays US officials said there are two plans to intervene in Yemen against the Houthis and their allies, one sponsored by Central District Commander General Votel and the second one by the Defense Secretary Mattis. It will be President Donald Trump to decide wich plan to proceed with. Some details about the plan have leaked and it seems that the US will assist UAE forces with Special Forces, air and sea backup and surveillance. Moreover the plan proposed by the Defense Secretary will not include ground troops or US special units but will include planning, providing coordinates and fuel for the fighters and in fine field commanders will manage the battle without going back to the White House.

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