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aleppo bombing

Kremlin: the Russian Aerospace Forces did not attack terrorist in Aleppo

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The Kremlin spokesman confirmed that the Russian Aerospace Forces have not bombed terrorists in eastern Aleppo. “The regime of not conducting airstrikes at the decision of the commander-in-chief, as you know, has indeed been extended. So far, there have been no other statements regarding renewed airstrikes on terrorist targets in eastern Aleppo,” Peskov told reporters.

Aleppo bombing: the EU might sanction Russia

BreakingNews @en di

The EU could threaten Russia with sanctions over the bombing of Aleppo, according to a draft EU summit communique seen by the Guardian. Arriving at the summit in Brussels on Thursday, Theresa May had urged fellow leaders to press the Kremlin to stop its “appalling, sickening” atrocities in Syria. The prime minister said Europe needed to take a “robust and united stance” in the face of Russian aggression.

EU sources do not expect a decision on Thursday night, but want to ensure the threat is on the table. If sanctions were agreed, diplomats would draw up a list of Russian names and organizations that would be subject to travel bans and asset freezes.

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