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111 Saudi aggression airstrikes hit Yemen in four days, killing scores of civilians

BreakingNews @en di

Several provinces were targeted by 111 airstrikes by US-backed Saudi aggression warplanes over the past four days killing at least 12 civilians and wounding 12 others. 8 airstrikes including cluster bombs in Sana’a province and 12 aistrikes on several districts of Sa’ada province. Ten raids were launched on Jawf province and 49 air raids in Taiz province in particular on Mokha city, and were also targeted the bridge linking the province with Hodeida. It was in Taiz that four people were killed and three others wounded in a market and other five children were killed in another aistrike. Moreover Mareb province were targeted with 12 raids in civilian regions and 11 airstrikes were launched on Hodeida city where was targeted in particular the port itself. In fine also on Hajja province were launched 5 airstrikes on Medi port city.

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