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Ghani said that combating against comunist is the same combact against terrorism, 26th of dalwa is the day that Russian troops withdrew Afghanistan 28 years ago

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President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani who attended a ceremony held at Presidential palace on the occasion of 26th of Dalwa equals to withdraw of Russian troops from Afghanistan, insisted over the victory of Afghanistan and winning war against terrorism. He said that combating against comunist is the same combact against terrorism, and according to him Afghanistan will win this war as it won that war. He invited Taliban into a peace and dialogue process because they can’t win this war. He added that Russia after 28 government is repeating the same mistake commited years ago, interfering in the Afghan affairs. 26th of dalwa is the day that Russian troops withdrew Afghanistan 28 years ago, they were defeated by the Mujahidin.

Afghan National Security Forces led mopping-up operations in several areas

BreakingNews @en di

Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) led joint mopping-up operations in the last 24 hours under the code name of Ghobar (7) in relevant areas of Kapisa, Nangarhar and Zabul provinces in which 2 insurgents were wounded and 2 Kalashnikovs were destroyed. Ministry of Defense MoD press office stated BNA that the operations were launched in relevant districts of the mentioned provinces, in which two insurgents were wounded, three detained and a machine gun, a PK gun destroyed. Also 3 various mines were discovered and destroyed and three motorcycles and two communication means were seized.

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